Important: Effective December 26, 2020, CAA Niagara Branch locations will be temporarily closed in accordance with the Province of Ontario's provincewide shut-down. Emergency roadside assistance will continue to operate 24/7.
Read the latest updates from CAA Niagara.
Help Pave the Way to Safer Roads
CAA's annual Worst Roads campaign asks drivers, cyclists, transit riders and pedestrians to identify the roads they think are in most need of improvement – be it potholes, congestion, safety concerns or poor road signs. CAA uses the feedback from the results to engage with politicians and decision makers in government across the country.

2019 Worst Roads Campaign Results
Voting in the 2019 Worst roads campaign saw a major rise in voter participation. The campaign saw significant engagement, which earned McLeod Road the title of Niagara’s Worst Road. Eglington Avenue East was voted as Ontario's Worst Road.
Photos from the road...
To submit your photos send an email with the photo attached to with subject line CAANIA Worst Road. Include your first name, the name of the road and its municipality to ensure your photo is added. Make sure you are in a safe location before taking a photo of a road. Avoid taking photos while driving. By submitting your worst roads photo, you are granting permission to CAA Niagara to publish the image(s) in print and online regarding CAA Niagara’s Worst Roads campaign. Photos will be used with first name and location only.