Important: Effective December 26, 2020, CAA Niagara Branch locations will be temporarily closed in accordance with the Province of Ontario's provincewide shut-down. Emergency roadside assistance will continue to operate 24/7.
Read the latest updates from CAA Niagara.
Auto Insurance Claims
Call CAA Insurance right away to report your claim any time of the day or night, on any day of the week.
1-800-387-2656 available 24-hours a day
Claim online >>
Property Insurance Claims
Call CAA Insurance right away to report your claim any time of the day or night, on any day of the week.
1-800-387-2656 available 24-hours a day
Claim online >>
Travel Insurance Claims
In the event of an emergency, you must contact CAA Assistance immediately
1-866-672-3651 Canada and Mainland USA,
1-519-988-7041 Collect from anywhere else,
Life Insurance Claims
Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET
1-877-942-4222 or
Health & Dental Claims
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET
1-877-261-8222, or
find forms online
Personal Accident Insurance
Call of visit any CAA Niagara branch for more details and assistance in submitting a claim
Complete the form and email to
Find a CAA Approved Auto Repair Facility
Had an auto accident and not sure where to turn for repairs? CAA has a list of Approved Auto Repair Facilities that can help.
Additional Resources
Roadside Reimbursement
If you have followed the procedure to obtain Emergency Road Service, and CAA service is not available, you may obtain your own service, pay for it and submit the original receipt and reimbursement form to CAA Niagara.
Legal Fee Reimbursement
If you are unjustly charged with a traffic offence anywhere in the world, CAA will reimburse Basic Members up to $50 and Plus and Premier Members up to $100 for legal fees to challenge the charges in court.
Trip Accident Reimbursement
If you are involved in a report-able motor vehicle collision more than 160 km away from home, we will reimburse you for unforeseen expenses resulting from that accident up to a limit of $300 for Basic Members and $500 for Plus Members.