In the interests of continuity and orderly succession, it is the expectation that a Director elected to serve as Vice-Chair of the Board will be the preferred candidate for the Office of Chair as and when that Office becomes vacant, and if elected as Chair of the Board will, in the normal course of events, serve for a maximum of three years as provided for in the Bylaws; and thereafter continue to serve the Board in the normal course of events for up to a further three years in the Office of Immediate Past Chair.

The Chair and Vice-Chair serve at the pleasure of the Board, however, and in keeping with the Bylaws must be re-elected on an annual basis as a demonstration of the continued confidence of the Directors.

The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected at the Board of Directors’ Meeting following the Annual General Meeting to serve until the meeting following the next Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for one year only when properly nominated and elected in accordance with the policy guidelines.

Interested Members may apply to the Governance Committee to be considered as a candidate for nomination by the Board for election at the next AGM.

Last modified
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 - 13:32